
Survival Tips for Wilderness Vacations

How to Survive in the Wilderness with Some Great Survival Tips

A trip into the wilderness can be a fun and educational experience for those who like to seek adventure outdoors. On the other hand, it can also present a number of hazards that are potentially fatal. In addition to freezing or blistering hot weather, falls, hostile animal encounters, and other dangers, there is also the lack of access to nearby help. It may take hours or days for rescuers to come to one's aid in the event of an emergency, and delays like this can be deadly. It is important, therefore, for adventurers to understand basic techniques for surviving in the wilderness.

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Cold Weather

  • A person should keep his or her head covered while in the cold to avoid losing up to 45 percent of his or her body heat.
  • Adjust clothing as needed to avoid overheating and sweating in them. Sweating will not only dampen clothing but it will also make the body cooler when it dries.
  • Wear clothing in loose layers for maximum insulation.
  • Before getting into a sleeping bag, place damp boots between its liner and shell to help dry them off.
  • Carry a fire starter and tinder such as a trioxane bar so that a fire can be started quickly in extreme cold temperatures.

Warm Weather

  • Take frequent breaks when walking or hiking to avoid over-exertion.
  • Moisten a bandanna and place it on the back of one's neck or forehead to cool down.
  • Wearing a hat with a brim will help keep the sun off of one's face and the back of the neck.
  • Drink small sips of water throughout the day using urine color as a guide. Darker urine is an indication that the body isn't getting enough water.
  • If feeling the effects of heat exhaustion, such as vomiting, headache, or dizziness, lie down, elevate the feet, and take a few sips of cool, but not cold, water.

Finding Water and Food

  • Dig a pit and cover it with sticks and other debris to create a pit trap for animals.
  • Ice and snow may be melted for drinking.
  • Insects such as grasshoppers, snails, and crickets are easy to catch and edible if unable to catch game.
  • Make finding water a priority as a person can live longer without food than water.
  • Running water is typically safe for drinking, but boil or add iodine to stagnant water.

Making Fire

  • Create a surface that is reflective enough to start a fire by using a bar of chocolate to polish the bottom of soda can.
  • Use caution around oil and petroleum when in extreme cold conditions as they can cause frostbite if they come into contact with the skin.
  • Use a magnifying glass or pair of glasses to start a fire.
  • Keep waterproof matches in a waterproof container on hand.
  • The simplest and most often used method of starting a fire without matches is the flint and steel method.

Finding Shelter

  • The entrance to the shelter should face opposite the direction of the wind.
  • Use caution when building a shelter near a creek as they can rise at night.
  • Do not build a shelter in an area where water may collect if heavy rains begin during the night.
  • If the ground is wet, build a platform made of stout branches.
  • Trees with branches that extend outward can be used as shelter against rain.

Finding and Creating Tools

  • Use rocks from riverbeds or creeks to create cutting tools.
  • Make the first break in the stone by bashing two rocks together in what is called the rock-bash technique.
  • Always wear eye protection when creating tools from rock and other natural materials to avoid injury to the eye from flying fragments.
  • To make arrows, use straight shoots from willow, dogwood, or maple trees.
  • Dogbane, nettle or milkweed can be used to make the cord of a bow.

Finding Help and Rescue

  • Use a whistle to alert rescue teams.
  • Strategically placed clothing can be used to alert planes of one's location. Clothing should contrast with its surroundings and care should be taken if climbing up a tree or some other high location.
  • The sun and a shiny object such as a mirror can be used to signal rescuers.
  • Partially smother a blaze to create smoke. This is best on clear days when the smoke will be most visible to rescuers.
  • Use fire to attract help at night. Fires should be built in elevated locations and in areas with minimal vegetation.

General Tips

  • When preparing for an outdoor excursion, always carry a first aid kit for potential emergencies.
  • Study the lay of the land before heading into any wilderness area.
  • Unless equipped with a compass and knowledge of where they are, people should stay put when lost in the wilderness.
  • Carry a personal beacon when traveling in isolated areas such as the wilderness. This enables Search and Rescue teams to find the wearer.
  • If a person becomes lost he or she should stop and set priorities before taking any action. For example, if it is close to nightfall finding shelter should be a top priority.

Additional Tips

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